Thursday, March 25, 2010

I love skaters because skaters love cameras

This was a fantastic shoot... lots of people moving quickly and lots of things to look out for. Most of the time, I had a small mob of people following me, trying to get my attention so I would photograph them. I can honestly say telling people "No" is not an issue I usually face when it comes to taking people's photos... it's usually the other way around!

Kellen Thomas, 19, performs a "grab" on the vert wall at Cosmopolitan Park. "When guys talk about getting air, they'll tell you it was sick or killer or wicked. Pretty much the worse it sounds, the cooler your trick was," he explained.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Gotcha! Color Correction

Ashley Counts, 28, has
orked at Gotcha Costume and Magic Shop for two years. "It does get kind of creepy when you're the only one working," she said. "You feel like the masks are watching you move around the room."

Lucky for me, Gotcha had posters randomly tacked to the ceiling, and most were light in color, so I was able to use bounce flash while moving around the shop, and not get any weird color casts.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Sun in Your Hand and/or Flash is the Devil

Toby Holmes, 24, is the creator and purveyor of wearable works of art. Her most popular item? Hand-crafted and painted horns that adhere to the wearers' forehead. "Whatever festival I go to, I tell people I'm the horniest artist there," she said with a grin.

Robert "Rook" Chirino plays Wii Bowling as part of a celebration marking his ordination as a Dudist minister. Dudeism is an internationally recognized sect of Buddhism, and takes as its profit the character Dude from the movie "The Big Lebowski." "Religion is just that fairy tale you tell yourself to fall asleep at night," Chirino said. "This one just happens to be the least specific about what it means to be a bad person."

Hmm... this was a challenging and fun assignment, and it was great to catch up with people I began following last semester... and then blind them.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The most frustrating shoot I've ever done...

After it became the object of a photographer's undirected wrath, this apple remained suspended on the knife blade for only a few minutes before it split into halves and fell to the table.